Inona's Witchery

Talk To Me

Witch Speak
Q and A
My Writings
Talk To Me
Opinion, is that high and mighty Dame
Which rules the world, and in the mind doth frame
Distaste or liking; for in human race,
She makes the fancy various as the face.

I hope you have enjoyed your visit to Inona's Witchery. I would love to hear your opinions regarding my web site, my writings, or anything else you'd care to comment on. Do you have questions you just can't seem to find the answers to? Do you have poems, articles, stories, book reviews, helpful hints, suggestions, or something else you would like to share? Use this form to submit any of the above information and I will do my best to respond in a timely and appropriate manner.
If you would like to share information about your religious beliefs, please read  "Sharing the Word"  before leaving your comments. Please remain respectful even if you don't agree with me or the information on my site. 
If you are sending your favorite poems, articles, or other writings, please submit the source information for anything that isn't your original work. I will only publish information credited to the original author or creator. If your submission is more than 1200 keystrokes long, you may use your regular email account. Please put one of the keywords from the form below in the memo or subject line. Thank you. 



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If you are 17 years old or under, please do not request information or ask questions regarding your religious practices. Until you reach the age of 18, your parents are in charge of your life and I will not knowingly interfere with their preferences. I suggest you speak to your parents about these questions.

With that said however, I can't prevent you from commenting on this site or from exploring any religion on your own. Although this site contains nothing that would be considered illegal or immoral, it may still be considered offensive to some people. I take no responsibility for any information, ideas, or opinions you may gather from this site.

PLEASE NOTE: All graphics and written materials on this site are copyright © protected by myself or someone else. Unless otherwise noted, all written material on this site is my original material. Material that was not created by me is credited to its author. Graphics are credited to and obtained from the sites of the artists who created them, as far as I know. Please do not copy anything from this site, either written or graphic. Visit the creators' sites, buy or borrow their books, or visit 'research' sites and download directly from there. Always include credit and copyright info. To copy or reprint any of my original information, please contact me for permission.

Witchmoon - © Unknown: I lost the credit info
for this one in a computer crash.
Help finding its owner would be appreciated.