Contacting Me About My Religion . . . Or Yours
Thank you for caring enough about me to be concerned with something as important
as my immortal soul. Please know that I am also concerned about my future, in life as well as after death. I only want what
is best for myself and for those around me. Unfortunately, our opinions on what is best may be vastly different.
Among the people I consider family, there are many different personalities, attitudes, and social ideals represented. There
are also just as many religions. Mormons, Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Native American Spiritualists, and any number of
other beliefs are present. I view my religious beliefs as just one more way of expressing a human relationship with the Divine.
I don't think my religion is right for everyone, and I don't think your religion is right for everyone. I don't
believe anyone's religious beliefs make a contribution to them being a 'better' or more respectable person. I do believe we
all worship and revere the same divine power, regardless of how we do it or what we call it.
If you haven't read any of the information about my religion, please go to the sections titled "Q and A" and "Philosophy".
These pages contain basic information that will explain what and how I believe along with common misconceptions and what I
don't believe. If you can't bring yourself to read even those first few pages, please don't contact me. If you can't take
the time to get the facts about me and my religion, then I don't have the time to deal with your attitude. If you care to
learn more, you'll find plenty of detailed information elsewhere in the site and on the web.
I respect your right to express your feelings on this subject but, I expect you to respect my feelings as well. You may have
specific questions that you would like me to answer and I will be glad to do that, under certain conditions. Questions that
arise out of genuine curiosity or confusion, questions you can't find the answers to in any of my pages, and those that will
help you understand my views will be answered cheerfully and without hesitation. I will not answer sarcastic, disrespectful,
or hateful questions, or those asked simply to demonstrate your self-righteous indignation.
For those of you who would like to pass along information regarding your religion, please don't waste your time or mine. I
don't mean this in a rude way, its just that I already have a King James Bible, a Book of Mormon, the Koran, the Vedas, and
many other religious texts. I have read about and researched many different religions and I feel I have found the one that
is right for me.
If you feel it is necessary to send me hateful or hurtful email, I reserve the right to post the email, including your return
address, so anyone who would like to reply may do so. If you would like to comment on the Witchery in a constructive and friendly
manner, I would be happy to hear from you. Please click on the link below to be directed to my "Talk to Me" page.
If you find you cannot accept me because of my religious decisions, I am truly sorry. If you chose to peacefully 'agree to
disagree' on matters of religion, I fully understand. Again, thank you for caring about me, my life, and afterlife. I truly
appreciate your thoughtfulness in such an important matter.