Inona's Witchery

The Witches' Rune

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This poem was composed by Doreen Valiente and Gerald Gardner in 1954 or 1955. It is intended as an energy raising chant to be spoken as the coven dances clockwise around the circle. The first version is the original, according to Doreen Valiente. Covens usually alter the "I, my" parts to "we, our". (See "The Witches Way" by Janet and Stewart Farrar)The second version is an alteration many witches use to make it more easily memorized.

Although Doreen prefered that her work not be altered, she did understand and accept that it would be. If the alterations changed the meaning or flow of the work and if she was not given credit as the original author, were her only objections.
(See "Witchcraft for Tomorrow", introduction)
The Witches' Rune

Eko, Eko, Azarak,
Eko, Eko, Zomelak,
Eko, Eko, Cernunnos,
Eko, Eko, Aradia!
(Repeat 3 times)
Darksome night and shining moon,
East, the South, then West, then North,
Harken to the Witches' Rune -
Here I come to call ye forth!
Earth and water, air and fire,
Wand and pentacle and sword,
Work ye unto my desire,
Harken ye unto my word!
Cord and censer, scourge and knife,
Powers of the witch's blade -
Waken all ye into life,
Come ye as the charm is made!
Queen of heaven, Queen of hell,
Horned hunter of the night -
Lend your power unto the spell,
And work my will by magic rite!
In the earth and air and sea,
By the light of moon or sun,
As I will, so mote it be.
Chant the spell and be it done!
Eko, Eko, Azarak,
Eko, Eko, Zomelak,
Eko, Eko, Cernunnos,
Eko, Eko, Aradia!
(repeat until ready)

The Witches' Rune
Altered Version

Eko Eko, Azarak,
Eko Eko, Zomelak,
Eko Eko, Cernunnos,
Eko Eko, Aradia!

Darksome night and shining moon,
Hearken to the Witches Rune.
East then south, then west, then north,
Hear we come to call ye forth!

Earth and water, air and fire,
Work ye unto our desire.
Wand and pentacle and sword,
Hearken ye unto our word!

Cords and censor, scourge and knife,
Waken all ye unto life.
Powers of the witches blade,
Come ye as the charm is made!

Queen of heaven, Queen of hell
Lend your power unto the spell.
Horned hunter of the night
Work our will by magic rite!

In the earth and air and sea,
As we will, so mote it be!
By the light of moon or sun,
Chant the spell and be it done!

Eko Eko, Azarak,
Eko Eko, Zomelak,
Eko Eko, Cernunnos,
Eko Eko, Aradia!

PLEASE NOTE: All graphics and written materials on this site are copyright © protected by myself or someone else. Unless otherwise noted, all written material on this site is my original material. Material that was not created by me is credited to its author. Graphics are credited to and obtained from the sites of the artists who created them, as far as I know. Please do not copy anything from this site, either written or graphic. Visit the creators' sites, buy or borrow their books, or visit 'research' sites and download directly from there. Always include credit and copyright info. To copy or reprint any of my original information, please contact me for permission.

Witchmoon - © Unknown: I lost the credit info
for this one in a computer crash.
Help finding its owner would be appreciated.