Inona's Witchery

Questions, Facts, and Fiction

Witch Speak
Q and A
My Writings
Talk To Me
These are some of the most common questions asked about Wicca, Witchcraft, and Paganism. My answers may differ slightly from some others you have read but that is to be expected since Wicca is a religion that embraces individuality and "educated opinions". If you have other questions that you can't find the answers to anywhere else in the Witchery, feel free to use the "Talk to Me" page and ask away.

Is Wicca a "real" religion?
Yes, it is. In the sense of authentically representing a means of worship for a section of the population and in the sense of a legally recognized organization.

Religion is defined, in several dictionaries I own, as "any system of faith and worship." Many people have said that Wicca doesn't fall into this category because there is no "official dogma", central ruling body, or organized system of belief. Although all those things are true, most all Wiccan traditions (or denominations) do have certain things in common:
*Belief in a God and Godess
*Respect or reverence of nature
*Tolerance for other spiritual paths
*Belief in Reincarnation
*Adherence to a specific ethical code known as the "Wiccan Rede"
*Belief in some form of retribution
*The concept of Personal Responsibility in all areas of life
*No proselytizing
This list is expounded upon in the "Philosophy" section of this site.
Several Wiccan and Pagan "churches" have been recognized by the IRS and have been given the same tax-exempt, religious status as other more mainstream religious facilities and groups. Wiccan and Pagan Priests and Preistesses have been "ordained" and are able to perform the same functions as any other clergy in most states. All branches of the Armed Forces have recognized the validity of Wiccans' religious rights and have refused to discriminate against military personnel who have chosen this religious path. For more information on the legal aspects of Wicca, watch for the addition of the "Legally Wiccan" page.

If Wicca is a real religion, why can't I find any Wiccan "churches" or "clergy" in my community?
Simply because most areas of the country don't have public facilities for Wiccan worship. Some congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Church have an organization called CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans), but not all. Most Wiccans belong to private groups called covens or they are Solitaries, which means they practice alone. In some areas of the country there are covens which have permanent facilities and hold public rituals and meetings. I would suggest visiting the Witches' Voice website to locate groups or events in your area.

Aren't most Witches/Wiccans/Pagans just a bunch of teenagers rebelling against their parents?
Witches, Wiccans, and other Pagans come in all ages and from all walks of life. We are rich, poor, old, young, white, black, male, female, new to the path, and long-time practitioners. We are doctors, lawyers, authors, teachers, police officers, military personnel, farmers, housewives, and teenagers. We are regular people, just like the members of any other religious group.

I am currently working on a few biographies that will be published under the heading "Everyday Pagans." Until then, you may read my autobiography now by clicking on "My Writings."

Do you believe in God or worship the Devil?
In many religions, anyone who doesn't worship the particular God of that religion is considered to be worshipping the Devil or other form of evil. Wiccans don't have the same concept of the Divine as Christians do. In Wicca, and most other Pagan traditions, the concepts of pure evil or ultimate perfection do not exist in any one entity. This means that there is no Devil and there is no all-perfect God. There is also no judgment day, no heaven, and no hell. Everything is believed to exist in balance. The scale is tipped in one direction or the other by personal choices, not by evil temptation or righteous sacrifice. See the "Philosophy" page for more information.

Aren't spells what you people put on Christians and others that you don't like?
No. A spell is a ritualized prayer in which the person performing the spell uses meditation, concentration, symbolism, and other techniques while working in conjunction with the Goddess and/or God to direct the latent energy in the natural world toward a specific outcome. Spells are generally performed to alter the witch's life and/or environment to conform to the will of the Witch. Using spells in an attempt to harm or interfere with another person's life goes against the ethics of Witchcraft. See the "Philosophy" section for more information on Wiccan ethics.

Can you teach me a spell to get my boyfriend back, change my hair color, change my eye color, make me smart and rich, make me look like a supermodel, etc.?
No. However, I can give you the following advice - you're probably better off without him, go to the hair salon, get colored contacts, go to college and get a job, and get real. Wicca is a religion, not a movie.

PLEASE NOTE: All graphics and written materials on this site are copyright © protected by myself or someone else. Unless otherwise noted, all written material on this site is my original material. Material that was not created by me is credited to its author. Graphics are credited to and obtained from the sites of the artists who created them, as far as I know. Please do not copy anything from this site, either written or graphic. Visit the creators' sites, buy or borrow their books, or visit 'research' sites and download directly from there. Always include credit and copyright info. To copy or reprint any of my original information, please contact me for permission.

Witchmoon - © Unknown: I lost the credit info
for this one in a computer crash.
Help finding its owner would be appreciated.